

How Do You Like To Love?

November 15, 2017 | Communication, FirstYouMustBeAware, LoveLanguages, LoveWell | By Author

Dr. Chapman discusses 5 ways to communicate love. Becoming aware of others and your styles of receiving love can help you establish and maintain healthy relationships.

Do you like to receive:

*Physical Touch – hugs, kisses, shoulder rubs, cuddling, etc.

*Positive Feedback – encouragement, positive comments, appreciation, etc.

*Quality Time – presence, attention, sharing conversation, etc.

*Gifts – grace, giving and receiving presents, etc.

*Acts of Kindness – washing dishes, cleaning room, fixing car, etc.

Love somebody their way and notice how they will be willing to love you in yours!

All expressions of love should be used with the intent of health and balance, not with the intent to destroy or manipulate.

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